Could Camberwell junction be the area's new town square?

Alastair TaylorAugust 16, 20160 min read

Camberwell could get a town square through the reconfiguration of Camberwell Junction in a plan that has a Boroondara councillor's support.

Public comment is being sought by the firm responsible for the design, Alexander Urbanism, and Junction Ward Boroondara councillor Jack Wegman.

The proposal is to reduce the number of roads leading into the Camberwell Junction intersection from six to four.  

Camberwell Road, which at present bisects the junction from south east to north west, would be closed off from both the north-west and south-east directions and instead would play host to a plaza and tram superstop respectively.

Could Camberwell junction be the area's new town square?
An overview of the proposed north-western plaza - image supplied

According to the designer, Nathan Alexander, “This could become the pedestrian heart of Camberwell, the place to go and be seen. This will be the place to meet your friends, to eat a great meal, to lunch in the sun. It’ll be a great place to go before or after watching a movie at the nearby Rivoli Cinema.”

At present the Junction is congested, handling approximately thirty-eight thousand vehicles a day.

According to Cameron Martyn, the transport planner who worked on the proposal, simplifying the Junction intersection will improve traffic flow on Burke Road and Riversdale Road, while motorists current travelling on Camberwell Road have a choice of alternative routes.

“With only two roads intersecting, the traffic lights will be green for longer. With more green time, more traffic can pass through the intersection. This plan makes the Junction more efficient and safer for all users – pedestrians, cyclists, tram users and motorists.”

Extract from Alexander Urbanism's description of the Camberwell Junction proposal
Could Camberwell junction be the area's new town square?
The proposed changes to the Camberwell Junction road network - image supplied

​I’ve encouraged Alexander Urbanism to work up this concept. I look forward to the public response.

Camberwell has a great range of shops, but no decent public space.

This idea shows great potential to give Camberwell the town square it deserves. It’d make Camberwell as a whole more attractive as a shopping destination.

Cr Jack Wegman

See the full report on Alexander Urbanism's website, and the accompanying transport assessment by the Martyn Group.

What do you think of the proposal? Leave a comment below.

Alastair Taylor

Alastair Taylor is a co-founder of Now a freelance writer, Alastair focuses on the intersection of public transport, public policy and related impacts on medium and high-density development.