Sekisui House Australia
About the developer
Better communities. Better design. Better quality. Better customer service.
At Sekisui House Australia, we create homes and communities that improve with time, and last for generations.
At Sekisui House, we believe you shouldn’t just hope for better. You should expect it.
Since established in Japan in 1960, we have built more than two million homes around the world. In 2009, we brought our residential experience to Australia for the first time.
Today, we build beautiful, sustainable apartments and houses, as well as large-scale developments and entire master planned communities. We now operate in Australia, China, Japan, Singapore and the United States.
With every project, we strive to provide better design and quality, offer better and more dependable customer service, and establish better and stronger urban communities.
We believe in Smart Universal Design: sustainable, environmentally-focused design that’s applicable to everyone, regardless of their age, ability, or stage in life.
From the quality of our build materials to our rigorous construction processes, we’re known for our attention to detail, our environmental ethos, and the high quality of our homes and residential developments.
And from the moment you first make contact with us, we’ll also work with you to answer all your questions and offer guidance, every step of the way.